Wednesday, July 2, 2014

July Goals

It is simply freaking me out how quickly time is passing. JULY. JU-LY. Why is it that Winter drags on and refuses to leave and makes me a big old miserable mess, and Summer has to fly by quicker than I can fully appreciate it? Living in Northern Ontario is the pits.

I only have one full month of living in the Soo, and depending on when I *officially* decide to leave my job, just about a month left of work! I definitely have moving and nesting on the brain. Now that I have a place to live next year, and a fairly good idea of the way it looks as is, I've been planning how to make it my own little pretty home! That's definitely a priority this month, in addition tooooooo:

  • Finish making purchases and plans for my apartment next year! Get myself organized and excited and start packing.
  • I have lots of little crafts and projects planned, so I'm hoping to put a dent in all that jazz this month!
  • Enjoy the summer to its fullest potential. This upcoming month is set to include at least one music festival and one camping trip, and I'm sure many other as-yet-unplanned festivities! I want to have lots of fun with my friends and soak up the sun this month.
  • Which means not letting work cramp my style. I have one month left of part time retail misery! I want it to be a good one with minimal stress and minimal irritation. Fingers crossed.
  • If I could not eat like a pig and move my booty a couple of time this month then I will be an accomplished woman.

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